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Design and Analysis of Flows in Energy Systems

The original Flowjoule V3.1 for Windows 7 and earlier versions (32 bit PC's) no longer available instead please try following smart phone apps for your respective devices.

Here is comprehensive version of Flowjoule app now available as Energy Efficiency Suite for Windows 11 (UWP) devices. That is with single purchase you can download to all your windows devices. Here is the link.
Windows 11 (UWP) devices:EEsuite

Please note EEsuite is also available for Apple and Android devices and link is provided in the following table.

Selectively we have also converted some of the modules of this software in to specific apps for Apple, Android, Windows 11 (UWP), and Amazon device platforms.

All Android apps are updated for Android 12 API Level 31 devices and Chrome-book PC's as well.

Apps were tested for consistent performance in each of these platforms and sample data with results are shown in the respective screen shots that can be displayed by clicking the app title in the following table.

These individual modules can be helpful in conducting performance analysis as well as auditing in specific devices of energy systems. Following table also provide you the links for respective apps that is available for your device platform. You can review and send any feedback to further improve these apps for the benefit of all users. Please note that all future updates with added features will be available to download at no extra cost.

App Title iOs Device Android Device Window's (*UWP) Amazon FirePhone

1. Thermo-Physical Prop
published published published* published

2. Fluid Pressure Drop
published published published* published

3. Orifice Flow
(Gas and Liquid)
published published published* published

4. Centrifugal Pump Spec
published published published* published

5. Boiler Fuel Efficiency
published published published* published

6. Compressor Capacity
published published published* published

7. Fan Spec Performance
published published published* published

8. HeatX Performance
published published published* published

9. SI to USCS Unit Conversion
published published published* published

10. Energy Cycles
published published published* published

11. Energy Efficiency Suite
published published published* published

12. Car Performance Log
published published none published

All the above iOS apps are currently updated for iOS 16 and Apple 3rd generation devices. Therefore please check at App store to download current updates for your respective devices.
For older devices requires minimum iOS 12 and it is recommended to download and test run the "Unit Conversion" app first which is free and complimentary to ensure your device compatibility.

Energy cycles has built-in 4 apps on the following.
a. Rankine cycle ( screen shots for review).
b. CHP (Brayton) cycle (screen shots for review)
c. HVAC Cooling cycle. ( screen shots for review).
d. HVAC Heating cycle. ( screen shots for review).

Current updates includes computation of cooling and heating loads under ten different major categories in respective HVAC cycles.
If you like to see the results before downloading, please send us your cycle data we will run and send you the result with screen shots for verification.

The current version of the EEsuite has all the above applications (except carLog) in one for convenience and can save you more than 50% in total cost.

We have released a manual cum guide on "Energy Efficiency & Plant Maintenance" using EEsuite App suite providing additional information on implementation and validation of various math models applied.
You can download this from the link for your reference.

You can also download modeling example file for PC that could be used in above apps as well. The above title links would also give you a typical industrial case example on individual app with data and results for review. You can also send your case studies if any to publish that can help others as well.

Other Engineering Analysis Apps:
1. Car Performance Log:
Please review the additional iPhone screen shots here for the Car Performance Log app.

2. Analysis of RCC Structures:
RC456Mason is based on IS 456 : 2000. You may review the details of RC456Mason for iPhone and Android devices.

Please send your feedback or any other issue pertaining to the above iPhone/Android/Windows/Amazon device Apps using this form or by email. This would help us to put necessary updates fixing the issues.
Appreciate your help and thanks for any review reports at Apple, Google Play, and Windows app store.


Thank you very much.
